Subway Series Episode Five ft. Haley

December 02, 2020

I had the pleasure of working with Haley Hudson recently on this subway concept shoot I thought she was ideal for. Though we didn't get to shoot it the way I imagined, I have to say that she was impressive nonetheless. The photoshoot location was Rector Street in Manhattan, New York and Wardrobe was a bright yellow Moncler raincoat.

This shoot was inspired by Naomi Campbell's Valentino photoshoot. In my opinion, she has things about her that remind me of Naomi Campbell. She does NOT look like Naomi, but it's my opinion that they have similarities in features. They both have similar body types. They both have unique facial structures... in addition to those, their skin complexions are head turners. Frankly, I think Haley could use Naomi's career as a blueprint to jump-start her own.

I think she is, without a doubt, capable of getting signed with a reputable agency. Hopefully, it doesn't turn out that she signs with "just another" agency because they approached her before she was discovered by some of the more successful and established agencies. Follow her growth on Instagram. 

Model @naturallyhay

Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry Haley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway SeriesHaley Hudson in the Subway Series by Kali Artistry

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