Ethiopian - Eritrean Empress Ella Shoots in New York City

March 25, 2020

Just recently, about a week before the NYC social distancing order was announced over the coronavirus Covid-19, I had the opportunity to work with true an African beauty. She is a natural hair Ethio-Eritrean (Ethiopian and Eritrean) Empress that goes by the name Ella.

Ella and I have been talking about shooting for months but she lives in Boston and it quite frankly just wasn't convenient for us to get together and create. Finally, I got a message from her saying she will be visiting New York City and I was happy and eager to make plans to meet and shoot. Without the luxury of being able to pick and choose a day with a suitable forecast to shoot, we ended up shooting on a very cold morning. I must say that she was a trooper... she sucked it up and did the job without complaining. Hats off to Ella. 

Ella Boston_0320Ella Boston_0320Ella in NYC shooting with Kali Artistry Ella Boston_0320Ella Boston_0320Ella Ehikhuemen in NYC shooting with Kali Artistry Ella Boston_0320Ella Boston_0320Ella Ehikhuemen in NYC shooting with Kali Artistry Ella Boston_0320Ella Boston_0320Ella Ehikhuemen in NYC shooting with Kali Artistry Ella Boston_0320Ella Boston_0320Ella Ehikhuemen in NYC shooting with Kali Artistry

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