Make your subject pop with "real artificial" lighting [Tutorial]

September 20, 2018  •  1 Comment

If you saw this in instagram and came over to see the rest of the video... Thank you. This is my first attempt at doing a tutorial. I'll try a couple more time and share techniques i don't see anyone else using. If I get a sense of satisfaction after three tutorials , I'll continue making them.

I have soooo many techniques that i have figured out and developed on my own... it's only right to share and help with the growth of the art I fell so deeply in love with. Let me know what you think in the comments below and also ask questions about the video if there is something that isn't clear. Promise I will address all questions in a timely manner.

Kali Artistry Natural Light PopPhotoshop tutorial on how to make a subject shot in natural light pop with "real artificial" lighting.


Osiris S.(non-registered)
Yes! Awesome! Will be on the lookout for more of this. Keep up the awesome work btw!
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